musical score was originally played in, it occurred to me.
This. Is. Glorious.
This is a world, nay a lifestyle. Something A pathetic vampire franchise could never dream of achieving. No bloodsucker could replace the sheer awe in children's faces when ollivander picks them to select a wand. (look at me, i'm getting all sentimental just thinking about it.) anyway before i blather on about my sentimentalities....
the environment created there made any person feel welcome, from the harry potter beginner to the ..obsess-e like myself. from the pumpkin juice i drank, to the hufflepuff merch i bought. no other word could describe it better...i felt home... nobody was going to judge me for my harry potter collections, being that most of the people had bigger collections themselves!
and, to be frank, the ride, is friggin brilliant. but that is a whole other blog post really.....
as i sit here, re-reading this for typos, twirling my replica yew wand in my hands
i sigh to myself, knowing that i will always have a place to call home